As I have said before, humans are entirely motivated by pleasure and satisfaction. The porn industry is in the business of providing satisfaction for desire. Good sex is a complex cocktail of different pleasures. There is the initial drive for sex, this in itself rewards us for each step closer to the act. During sex there is the obvious endophines, climaxing in an orgasm. Then this fades to leave a temporary satisfaction, which is strengthened by a more lasting satisfaction from the partner. What i'm trying to say is that sex is a two person thing. And for a few reasons.
Firstly, without the partner, post coitus is a bit lonely. We can all identify with this. Its a bit of a letdown when we realise we are left alone when the satisfaction fades. Without the other person we miss a whole layer of pleasure, the pleasure of pleasuring others and feeling loved (security). This prolongs the amount of time we feel satisfied for, and makes the act much more worthwhile. Secondly, rarity value makes the sex have more worth. Cake wouldnt taste as good if we ate it every mealtime, the fact that we can't have sex whenever we want it makes us want it even more, and makes all the pleasure worthwhile. Furthermore, masterbation to porn tends to make us rush for our own goal. I'm no expert but I can bet the majority of premature ejacualation problems stem from the watching of pornography. Its almost a paradox but many would agree that in order to get the most pleasure out of sex is to concentrate on giving pleasure. Its the fallacy of porn and desire, in order to best satisfy ourselves, is to work to satisfy others.