Sunday, December 9

Where do I begin?

The question of who the burden of truth rests on is an important question. Humans often reach a conclusion then fill in the evidence, giving slant to the evidence so as to to align it with the conclusion. Religion actively encourages this behaviour, promoting faith and trust before evidence is received. This is a fundamentally flawed concept.

So where do I begin? As a Christian? As an atheist? As a Muslim? How about a Buddhist? Each have an equal right to claim me, and have my journey start there. However, as does any belief system you can conjure up, a Russell's teapot argument if you will. Furthermore, the potentially contradictory belief systems imply I can't satisfy all at once. So it cannot be a startpoint of belief then, it must be disbelief, disbelief in everything. It is 0: the null vector in the many dimensional space that is religion and belief. From here I can properly explore the space of belief, with evidence and logic.

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